Admission Information


  1. You or your referring veterinarian may request an admission appointment.
  2. Anti-thyroid drugs (Tapazole, Methimazole, etc.) Should be discontinued 1-2 weeks prior to admission. Most other medications are allowable but should be discussed prior to the admission process.
  3. Food containing fish products should be discontinued 2 weeks prior to admission. Fish products have been found to prohibit the uptake of radioactive iodine.
  4. Discontinue feeding Hill’s y/d prescription diet two weeks prior to admission.
  5. You are welcomed and encouraged to bring your cat’s favorite foods and/or treats. We provide an ample, tasty feline menu as well.
  6. Cat toys may be kept with your cat but they cannot be returned.
  7. Unfortunately, the State of Maine, in accordance with the strict regulatory guidelines of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission cannot permit client visitation while cats are in the radiotherapy unit.
  8. Once admitted and treated with I-131, your cat cannot be released to you until his or her radioactivity levels drop to a specific range. In the extremely unlikely event that a patient dies from another illness while being housed in the I-131 unit, the remains must be held by us until radioactivity diminishes (eighty days).
  9. All cats must have up-to-date vaccinations before being brought in for treatment.

Radioiodine therapy is considered the optimal treatment for cats with hyperthyroidism. It has an extremely high success rate and safety record and we are pleased to offer this state-of-the-art treatment.

The costs of therapy reflect costs associated with providing these services:

  1. Pre-admission consultation with a veterinary medical specialist
  2. Cost and administration of the radioactive iodine
  3. Hospitalization and patient care in the radiotherapy unit
  4. Litter, food, and patient monitoring with radiation monitoring equipment according to stringent state nuclear medicine regulatory guidelines
  5. Time and expertise of the staff
  6. Costs associated with nuclear regulatory licensing and adherence to strict safety guidelines for hospital personnel
  7. Radioactive waste-removal

The initial consultation is $210.00, and the cost for the radioactive iodine treatment is $1750.00.  Pre-admission diagnostic tests are associated with separate fees.  These diagnostics can be completed at your primary care veterinary office or at PVESC and include full body x-ray, blood work (CBC, chemistry panel with SDMA, electrolytes, and T4), and urinalysis.  Other tests, such as blood pressure and echocardiogram, may be recommended.  In the rare instance your cat will require an increased dose of therapy, there is an additional $265.00 for cats that require more than 4 mCi of radioactive iodine isotope due the extra expense of the therapy and extra hospitalization that is required.